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Winds app for RSS and Podcast


As i mentioned before, i love RSS, i consumed quite a lot of rss for news feed, source code feed push, and also i love Podcast, listened to podcast for quite sometime, subscribed to a handful of podcast ‘station’.

I used to listen podcast using either spotify, or soundcloud, itunes, depending on how the publisher published the podcast, but probably that will be change, right now i use Winds app by getstream.io.

The app displayed like it’s a website, consist of podcast and rss news feed, i use Winds as my main podcast client, so simple and intuitive, support podfaster, bookmarking, also can resume it after we left of if we closed it.

Winds podcast

For RSS news feed i still use Cappuccino as my main app, And for Winds I’m gonna use it for a while for my podcasting, and see how it goes.

Tags: #app, #macOS, #podcast, #news, #rss