
Hi i’m Deden fathurahman,

An engineer, loves tech, blogger, newsletter author, currently working at a bank called Aladin. Listened to a lot of podcast, mumbling about development stuff at Jakartadev, like things about developments, agile, high performance/availability, product management, or about finance.

I love coffee, started a semi-active blog site Epicoffee, see my other blog list.

About this blog

The blog started around 2013, but the content has been imported from my various blogging platform, i’m blogging since 2006, my content scattered, from blogger.com, blogsome, posterous, wordpress and eventually bought my own domain and imported my can-save content out there.

I host this site using Github page, so, no server cost, ha!, just push the content to my repo, and Github will take care the rest. I use Ruby Jekyll blogging engine, been eyeing Ghost, but i always came back to Jekyll. Park my domain to Cloudflare, they took care about security and any other stuff.


Jadi, terkadang isi dari blog ini campur-campur, kadang bahasa inggris, kadang bahasa indonesia, tergantung konteks dan keinginan hehe.., jadi iya, maaf sebelumnya ya kalau liat campur-campur.


Email : dedenf@gmail.com or me@dedenf.com
Twitter account : @dedenf
Keybase : @dedenf
or you can buy me a coffee

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or subscribe to my newsletter

jekyll :heart: github.