Mou ♥
i know it’s late, but just stumbling that we can post to via Mou.
if you are Mac users, Mou is the best app for markdown, and it’s free!.
The Charts that you need
Noah at 37signal made a list about the chart that he need to display data.
- When you want to show how something has changed over time, use a line chart.
- When you want to show how something is distributed, use a histogram.
- When you want to display summary information, use a table.
seeing this chart type for people other than devops people or developer i think it’s enough to display data.
Vagrantfile for everyday use
built up this repo to share my everyday use vagrant configuration on my local machine, i use Centos 6.3 as my basebox, there’s 3 instance right now, running different purposes, talk to each other, they having threesome.
clone, fork
It's been a while