tag — life

Our Digital Lives Are Too Fragile

The death of free Evernote is just one example of how our datafied lives are entangled with the fates and whims of tech companies. In August, users on X (formerly known as Twitter) lost three...

RIP — Google Podcast

Dan terjadi lagi…. pagi ini mendapatkan email dari Google Podcast, Google akan mematikan layanan Google Podcast, melanjutkan tradisi Google yang suka mematikan layanan yang dipakai oleh banyak orang, layanan yang dibutuhkan banyak orang, dulu Google...

Menikmati waktu

Hi there, lama memang tidak menulis, saat ini, menulis menjadi hal yang dilakukan, mungkin lebih tepatnya journaling, meski memiliki aplikasi Notion untuk keperluan itu, hanya saja keinginan untuk menulis belum ada. Saya mencoba membahas mengenai...

Semangat kaum urban pejuang subuh

Melihat video ini, berasa miris, kesian, tapi juga merasa kagum, hebatnya perjuangan bapak itu dan anaknya, untuk bisa sekolah dan mengajar, dan pastinya bapak ini tidak sendiri, seperti di video, banyak juga kaum urban yang...


Hingar bingar dunia kita, cepatnya informasi yang bisa kita dapat, cepatnya punya cara kita melakukan komunikasi, media yang bisa berbeda-beda, cara kita berkomunikasi makin beragam, dengan alat-alat yang beragam, bisa dari telpon bisa, komunikasi tulisan,...

Thank you Netlify

Been Netlify user since for 3 years now, and its service never disappointed, even though i’m using their free user tier, but the service is awesome, currently i have many sites hosted in their platform,...

About Github Profile

Came across this blog post, titled “Why GitHub Won’t Help You With Hiring” Instead, this post is about why GitHub profiles just aren’t all that useful when looking to hire developers. Interesting article, different takes...

Artikel vs Dokumentasi

Baru saja “nyasar” ke halaman artikel blog post dari StackOverFlow, mengenai bagaimana mereka membangun satu fitur di STO teams, Articles, selain artikel yang bagus, juga, saya lebih banyak melihat ke tagline dari fitur Articles tersebut....

Work from home, a blessing or distractions?

With pandemic still lingering Indonesia, many office are still doing Work From Home (WFH) policy, and few other are already working at the office, i’m gonna talk about the one who are still WFH, and...


Kemajuan teknologi dengan sangat pesat membuat banyak hal yang tadinya tidak efisien menjadi lebih efisien, mungkin ada yang masih ingat bagaimana dulu memesan taksi? kita bisa telpon ke kantor perusahaan taksi kemudian perusahaan taksi akan...

Lebih baik banyak membaca sejarah daripada prediksi/ramalan

Sederhana, sejarah bisa mengajarkan kita tentang suatu hal yang sudah terjadi, jika ada kesalahan, sebisa mungkin diperbaiki dan atau tidak melakukannya dikemudian hari, karena manusia bersifat dinamis, selalu berevolusi. Sedangkan prediksi, atau meramalkan sesuatu dimasa...

Celebrating Netlify

Been using and fans of Netlify, using it for all of my blogs, this blog included, and according to the Netlify, since they are currently aiming for 1 Million users, i was at #185.019, happy...

Video sebagai pengganti membaca?

Dengan informasi super cepat, dengan waktu fokus sedikit, atau setidaknya kita merasa waktu kita sedikit, menjadikan pola perhatikan kita kacau, tidak bisa berkonsentrasi terhadap suatu hal, dengan alasan waktu. Seperti membangun suatu kebiasaan baru, membangun...

Daily Found: Google Podcast Web

At last, Google Podcast web version with synced with its mobile app, now it is completed, i could listen to podcast on my commuting or working out, and also could listen to my subscribed channel...

Darah Murni

Dengan adanya pembunuhan terhadap George Flyod, yang memicu protes dan kerusuhan di Amerika, karena polisi dianggap telah melakukan kejahatan, disebut memiliki alasan ras, kulit putih vs kulit hitam, yang mana kondisi ini sudah terlampau parah...

Daily Found: Lunch Money

Since i’m geeking out in finance thingy, from budgeting to investing, today i came across this site, called Lunch Money, it’s a budgeting app, web app to be precise. I’ve reviewed other budgeting app called...

Daily Found: Negative thinking linked to dementia in later life, but you can learn to be more positive

Meski ini membutuhkan riset lebih jauh, tapi menurut saya ada kontribusi dengan selalu berpikir negatif akan berujung dengan dengki dan tidak puas akan hidup, dan kepala penuh dengan pikiran-pikiran yang tidak baik. Negative thinking linked...

Daily Found: Why We Forget Most of the Books We Read

Surely some people can read a book or watch a movie once and retain the plot perfectly. But for many, the experience of consuming culture is like filling up a bathtub, soaking in it, and...


Sebelum pandemi disadari atau tidak, hidup berlalu sangat cepat, hari ke minggu ke bulan, berjalan seperti dalam keadaan auto-pilot terkadang tanpa kita tahu makna, hidup jadi seperti hanya lewat. Dalam keadaan ini, yang masih beruntung...

Daily Found: My disabled son’s amazing gaming life in the World of Warcraft

This is an amazing article, his son got a rare disorder that causes muscle degeneration, called Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and has to be on a wheelchair, but since his son loved computer game, the...

Daily Found: How To Be Depressed

Banyak hal yang berkaitan dengan depresi, anxiety, dan buku “How To Be Depressed”, membahas soal bagaimana mengatasi itu semua. Dan ada juga yang mencoba untuk mensarikan yang dibahas di buku tersebut, di sini, yang menarik...

Membandingkan Tabungan bunga tinggi, deposito, reksa dana pasar uang, dan Obligasi

Di artikel ini membahas dari sisi perbedaan dan juga lebih mending mana, atau mana yang lebih memberi return maksimal dari uang yang kita simpan, meski perbandingan ini terbatas hanya pada awal 2019 sampe akhir 2019...

Bank Digital: Membuka rekening tabungan TMRW by UOB

Artikel baru di seputarfinansial, baru-baru ini mencoba membuka rekening di bank digital milik UOB, sejauh ini pengalaman membuka dan menggunakan aplikasinya cukup mudah. TMRW ini tersedia di Playstore dan juga Appstore. [Seputar Finansial]

How to explain anything to anyone: 4 steps to clearer communication

Bagaimana melakukan komunikasi yang efektif, terkadang kita agak kesusahan dalam menyampaikan apa yang ada dalam pikiran kita, bagaimana mengartikulasikan pikiran ke dalam bentuk ucapan, jadinya malah tidak jelas. Langkah yang bisa dilakukan menurut artikel tersebut,...

Weekly found

Beberapa hal yang ditemukan minggu lalu yang saya kira bisa di-share, ada mengenai serial baru, buku baru, dan juga podcast yang saya dengarkan. Messiah, serial baru yang saya tonton minggu lalu, serial ini produksi Netflix,...

Investasi jangka pendek, dengan apa?

Investasi apa saja yang cocok untuk tujuan finansial jangka pendek? Dengan waktu yang pendek, tapi ingin mendapatkan apa apresiasi dari uang yang ditanamkan, produk apa saja yang bisa dicoba untuk investasi tersebut? Via Seputarfinansial

Hal-hal yang perlu diperhatikan ketika renovasi rumah

Rumah atau tempat tinggal adalah salah satu hal yang penting dalam kehidupan manusia, baik rumah tersebut digunakan sebagai tempat tinggal utama, atau sebagai properti yang disewakan. Sebelum melakukan renovasi ini, sangat penting tentunya perencanaan matang,...

Otomatisasi finansial

Terkadang kita berat untuk melakukan transfer atau pembelian produk-produk investasi, dan tidak jarang juga malah lebih memilih untuk belanja barang online, itu lumrah, karena bagian dari “otak kadal” atau lizard brain yang bicara, lizard brain...

Apa itu obligasi?

Setelah sebelumnya menuliskan tentang investasi dengan instrumen saham, selanjutnya kita berkenalan juga dengan instrumen lain, yaitu Obligasi, atau sering disebut juga dengan surat hutang. Di sini hanya dibahas mengenai obligasi yang dikeluarkan perusahaan atau oleh...

Memulai investasi saham?

Artikel yang ditulis di seputarfinansial, dengan fokus investasi disaham, memang tidak terlalu mendalam, tidak ada analisa teknikal atau fundamental, hanya suatu perkenalan. Saham sebagai intrumen investasi memiliki karakteristik sendiri, dan untuk investasi atau trading disaham...

Cek up finansial sebelum membuat blueprint tujuan finansial

Setiap orang bisa melakukan finansial checkup, yang berguna untuk mengetahui bagaimana kinerja keuangan kita, susah sampai mana, apakah kurang, dan apa saja yang bisa dilakukan berikutnya? Agar tujuan, goal, dalam hidup bisa optimal, strategi apa...

Bloomberg: Why Indonesia Failed to Cash in on the China-U.S. Trade War

Dengan adanya perang dagang antara Amerika dan Tiongkok, banyak berimbas terhadap industri-industri yang ada didua negara itu, dan beberapa negara di asia tenggara bisa mengambil untung dari kondisi itu. Sebut Vietnam, Thailand, banyak investor yang...

The Great Hack: Polarisasi politik (dan agama) di Indonesia

i feel like the main problem in US politics that, is that people are so polarized, that they can’t understand each other, and therefore they cant work together, and therefore nothing gets done. Britanny kaiser,...

Twitter ban iklan politik di platform-nya

Whoa! ini menarik!, meski mungkin keputusan oleh @Jack ini berkaitan dengan nanti ajang pemilihan presiden di Amerika, yang mana memang sangat penuh dengan banyak hal, trik, penyesatan opini dan pandangan, sehingga lahirlah presiden Trump. Andaikan...

Is an epidemic of sleeplessness increasing the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease?

Let’s start with this line …the World Health Organization has pointed to a ‘global epidemic of sleeplessness’ with roughly two-thirds of adults sleeping less than 8 h a night. Are too many of us getting...

Resesi? apa yang harus diperhatikan?

Meski media selalu mendengungkan resesi, baik indonesia, maupun dunia global, ini bisa jadi memang resesi atau sebuah self-fulfilling-prophecy, yang mana ramalan jadi kenyataan karena banyak yang melakukannya, karena takut atau dilandasi ramalan itu sendiri, dan...

Read it maybe later

Saya penggemar aplikasi Pocket, banyak mengumpulkan artikel, membaca artikel menggunakan Pocket, browser yang digunakan dilengkapi dengan fitur save to Pocket, apalagi Firefox menjadi kan Pocket sebagai fitur default. Artikel yang dikumpulkan sudah sangat banyak, ketika...

8 powerful ways to overcome thinking errors and cognitive biases

Cognitive biases, logical fallacy dan kesalahan berpikir hal yang sering terjadi sebenarnya, entah sadar atau tidak, artikel membahas cara mengatasi hal-hal tersebut sebelum jatuh ke prasangka (bias dalam bahasa inggris). Fokus terhadap data Cari data/informasi...

The Power of Placebo: How Our Brains Can Heal Our Minds and Bodies

..our brain’s most remarkable powers: its ability to heal both mind and body. Vance explores the profound influence our thoughts, feelings and expectations can have on our well-being—how a positive outlook can, for example, help...

Why smart people are more likely to believe fake news

…Some people are “cognitive misers”, for instance: they may have a lot of brainpower that allows them to perform well in exams, but they don’t always apply it, using intuition and gut instinct rather than...


Sibuk lagi kerja dulu... Itu adalah photo dan isi pesan whatsapp dari teman di grup whatsapp alumni SMP, bukan bermaksud membandingkan atau memandang beda, tapi dengan melihat photo itu, saya menjadi lebih bersyukur, banyak teman-teman...


Mencoba hal baru dalam berkomunikasi, atau sharing dengan menggunakan newsletter, yang mana akan bisa lebih praktis dalam mengkompilasi links, berita, daily found, daily muse yang mungkin tidak ditulis di blog, akan mencoba mengirimkan perminggu untuk...

Sudut Suara Kumandang

Adalah podcast yang dibawakan oleh salah satu illustrator yang saya sering lihat karyanya di instagram, podcastnya masih terhitung baru, dan sejauh ini saya menikmati, bisa juga dengarkan di google podcast, mudah-mudahan semakin banyak creator podcast...

Teori konspirasi dan keagamaan

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash. Akhir-akhir ini ramai sekali pembicaraan (atau polemik) mengenai desain dari masjid Al-Safar di km 88 purbalenyi, hal ini mencuat ketika salah-satu-yang-menyebut-dirinya-ustad berpendapat bahwa masjid tersebut dipenuhi simbol-simbol illuminati, yakni...

Podcast: Suara Puan

Adalah podcast yang terakhir ini saya ketemukan, menurut pewicaranya, kata puan (menurut salah satu episodenya bernama Stephani(?)), diawali dari bentuk tulisan yang dibuat di Instagram yang kemudian berkembang merambah media baru, yaitu suara, podcast. Diberdayakan...

Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online?

Prof Siibak says many parents feel that, as the adult, they are responsible for their child’s wellbeing, and don’t need their child’s permission as long as they believe the photos are not doing any harm....

Fitnah dan buruk sangka

Suatu kisah yang menarik yang bisa banyak dipetik pelajarannya dalam hidup ini, agar tidak terburu-buru dalam melakukan penilaian, tanpa check-recheck (tabayyun), apalagi menyebarkan fitnah tersebut kepada orang lain, tentu selengkapnya bisa dibaca ditautan berikut tentang...

Tentang Hijrah

Ini topik yang mungkin sebenarnya agak tabu untuk dibicarakan, karena akan sangat ‘mengganggu’ bagi beberapa orang, karena topik ini berkaitan dengan apa yang mereka percayai, dan ini isinya mungkin kebanyakan adalah suatu pengamatan, komplen, dan...

Gumpnhell: Drainase

Hati2, kamu mulai berpikir! Ilustrasi keren dari @gumpnhell, klik gambarnya untuk unduh file pdf-nya.

Spotify + Noizio

Since i love genre like triphop, lounge, chill etc, and i also love rain, love the sound, and it smells, a Pluviophile they said. To have maximum concentration are hard, using an open office for...

Agile Impact Conference 2018: Observability

20 September 2018, di acara Agile Impact Conference, atau disingkat AICON 2018, menjadi salah satu pembicara di track DevOps, di sini saya membawakan satu topik mengenai Observability, dengan judul “Observability within devops organization”, pada dasarnya,...


A piece from Economist about Loneliness is a serious public-health problem. That the problem exists is obvious; its nature and extent are not. Obesity can be measured on scales. But how to weigh an emotion?...

Life at Jenius #2

This month marked my second year at Jenius, lots of fun, i learned a lot, gaining much (knowledges and weight(!)), shifting to new technology. For those who were uninitiated, Jenius is the new way of...

Daily Bite #45

Try to listen couple podcast, and making a round up of what i’ve listened for the past week, here what i’ve listened, and probably making podcasting a routine. Episode 90 - Developer Promotion Prospects A...

The Simple Solution to Traffic

Indeed this was happened in every road, all of the points are valid, even tho the solution is simple, but it was hard to implement, we are monkey. via cgpgrey

Mailspring app review

Attempting to find and use Mail.app alternatives is quite hard, Mailapp itself is already mature in my opinion, all the feature are there, no gimmick, no fancy add ons that will make you miserable sometimes....

Pengalaman topup M-Tix melalui Tokopedia dan Jenius

Update 4 Januari 2019, Artikel susulan, mengenai M-Tix dan TIX-ID. Dengan teknologi yang sekarang menyentuh hampir semua lini, menonton di bioskop adalah salah satu bentuk hiburan yang tak lepas dari kemajuan teknologi, pembelian tiket bioskop...

Untuk apa semua kebencian itu?

Photo by T. Chick McClure on Unsplash Dengan makin mendekatnya pemilihan presiden, makin banyak pula komentar-komentar sampah yang bertebaran baik di-sosial media maupun di lingkungan tempat tinggal. memang secara natural dalam negara demokrasi, ada pemerintah...

Mudah membayar pajak kendaraan (perpanjang STNK)

Pernah melakukan pembayaran untuk perpajangan STNK? kalau pernah, atau yang melakukan generalisasi terhadap aparat pemerintah yang lamban atau terkesan tidak peduli dengan layanan masyarakat. Hari ini saya sengaja izin masuk siang untuk mengurus STNK saya...

Scrum Retrospective

In Scrum world, when the organization having a running a sprint, and after that, came sprint review where they reviewing many backlogs on that particular sprint, and weighing it maybe with scoring, depends on how...

Daily Bite #44

Moving Upstream – Wall Street Journal Season 1 of Moving Upstream, great episodes, especially cashless system in China. Design Microsites – love chris’ write up about this, i especially love this repo from BloombergMedia called...

Daily Bite #43

Š-L-M – root of many Semitic words. “whole, safe, intact, unharmed, to go free, without blemish”, it’s a quite a word for kinda ancient one. Staying awake: the surprisingly effective way to treat depression –...

Daily Bite #42

3D engine entirely made of MS Excel formulae : Enjoy this Doom.xls file ! – Full of awesomeness, can’t believe Excel can do this. A Year Away From Mac OS – yes it’s a bit...

Daily Bite #41

Why You Should Never Order Drinks With Ice, Bartenders Say – Spoilers! it’s dirty. 12 big blockbuster movies you may not realize are on Netflix — and a few on Hulu too – I haven’t...

Daily Bite #40

How flashing lights and pink noise might banish Alzheimer’s, improve memory and more – what a great news, beside coffee, people who has this, can improve their memory. and because this was can be inherited,...

Daily Bite #39

Most millennials don’t save because their employers don’t let them – This is like huge blow for me too. Pieter Levels – Bootstrapping Side Projects into Profitable Startups – kinda love his presentation, straight to...

Daily Bite #38

The History of the World: Every Year – i was impressed by the how civilization rise and fall, how they found tools to conquer. Most images of black holes are illustrations. Here’s what our telescopes...

Daily Bite #37

Things 3.4 Review – MacStories comprehensive review on Things 3.4, it add automation. Finding Pwned Passwords with 1Password – i use 1Password for everyday life, and this integration is awesome, i was one of the...

Daily Bite #36

Samuel Nute Travel photo journal – awesome photos! Adding Colors to man – for sysadmin or developer in particular, man is a boring page, staring at black and white interface. let’s have color in life!...

Daily Bite #35

Top developer tools 2017 – From stackshare, the lists of top list of tools that developer popularly used at 2017, i fond of Kubernetes project, and year 2018 will be a lot more in containers...

Daily Bite #34

SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy rocket flung that Tesla car on a path that goes beyond Mars – Amazing journey for human being, it also put some stuff in the rocket Apple’s Middle Age – is Apple...

Daily Bite #33

Inside Amazon’s Sphere Great architectural achievement, it’s a great design, cant help it but to notice that the sphere is like sanctum sanctorum’s Dr Stephen Strange. Microsoft Disables Spectre Mitigations Due to Instability The patch...

Daily Bite #32

Drones that can plant 100,000 trees a day A good news, and a bit scary one, bit still a good news! these drones can planted at most 100.000 trees a day, and almost 1 billion...

Daily Bite #31

Stream & Go: News Feeds for Over 300 Million End Users – an impressive development, and how they get there. It Was the First Time I Cried in the Operating Room – A story of...

Daily Bite #30

New podcast channel that i’ve found recently, here it is Fragmented – This podcast explore and talks about Android, with interesting guest each week. Developer Tea – Lighting talks about how developers fit in, there...

Daily Bite #29

Thinking with Type – it’s a quite comprehensive knowledge of how you do with your typeface, for print or for web, if you type lover, you’ll love this site. Building a thriving familiy and business...

Please Stay

Daily Bite #28

Jeff Goins System to Write 5 Books and Over 1,000 Blog Posts – how to be an effective writer, a writer is not limited to just some novel, scifi etc, but it could be a...

Daily Bite #27

source Meltdown and Spectre Attack new attach on almost all CPU chip, Intel, ARM, AMD, following news AxiosThe Register (Why use Debian Stable on the Desktop? — if i’m using a pc laptop, i will...

Daily Bite #26

History of Å – a story about how the Å character created. Why sony’s Trinitron tubes were the best – i remember my neighbor have this kinda TV, i still remember the ad for Sony’s...


Happy new year! I love podcast, when podcast got introduced at macworld, people start flocking in and many listener, there’s a lot of channel/network that provide variety of podcast genre, from news, comedy, dramedy, tech,...

720p vs 1080p vs 1080i vs 4K


Daily Bite #25

Apple letter about the iPhone battery – it’s not that i hate Apple, none of my opinion matters anyway, but i feel like Apple is downgrading itself in terms of vision, quality, security, smartness. i...

Daily Bite #24

Google Maps’ Moat – Google Maps’ Fascinating, yet scary detail. Eating Too Much Rice Almost Sank the Japanese Navy One doctor’s fight against the nutritional woes of a nation – the story about one doctor...

Daily Bite #23

NIST’s new password rules – an old read, but one of the fine rule how to create password guide for your users. Just HODL! – couple new lingo from crytocurrencies market, and how the users...

Daily Bite #22

Photorealism at Pixar – i’ve watched the movie, the story is touching and yet somehow the first one is still better on story persfective. this article took us to how cars 3 got made, the...

Daily Bite #21

Mozilla screw things up the internet praising about how Firefox stand with its user, how they were sworn to protect the internet, but screw their users trust by installing add ons without permission, sure there’s...

Daily Bite #20

The State of Javascript 2017 – we’re using quite awful lots of nodejs currently to build Jenius’ microservices, sometimes this thing could be a heaven, but lot of time it’s a pain in the ass....

Worst Macbook Pro Ever

This is a rant, Macbook Pro with touchbar are the worst macbook pro ever created by Apple, probably in all the line up of the macbooks, let me break it down, i’ve been using Apple...

Daily Bite #19

2017 was bad for facebook, 2018 Will Be Worse. – i’ve quit Facebook since 4 years ago, but have to admit that social media are still the place where you can see or feel connected...

Daily Bite #18

Jrnl – is a dead simple journal app, a lot of fancy journal out there like Evernote, DayOne, and newer journal also with rich editing – Bear app. Jrnl.sh is simple, it runs on command...

Gunung Agung

As a highest mountain in the island of Bali, as high as 3031m above the sea level, and sunday morning, it was erupted, sending ashes, and sometimes stone, it is not severe, but still, it...

Daily Bite #17

Thank you Opensource project letter – It’s a way to say thank you to Opensource creator/contributor, people can say gratitude to their favorite Opensource project, and sometimes the letter are quite hillarious. A CEO’s Guide...

MoMA : Shipping and Receiving

This cool video showed The Museum of Modern Art, what they do, what the prepared, in the video, there’s no cinematic or some hipster sound as background, and not even narrator to explain the whole...

Daily Bite #16

What Lego has learned from building social network for kids – It is amazing to see how a marketing platform to become a thing that every kids that play lego waiting, in that platform, kids...

Daily Bite #15

Entering the Quantum Era—How Firefox got fast again and where it’s going to get faster – I’ve been reviewing the Firefox Quantum earlier, this is a much more fun way to ilustrate the new technologies...

Daily Bite #14

Let’s Talk about sleep i’ve been talking about sleep deprivation on my dailybite issue #8, how it affect how we live, and society is changing, with all the gadgets, nightlife, always-on, fomo. Electric lights, television...

Daily Bite #13

Learn just enough Linux to get things done – I remember learn how to install and operate Linux and Novel at 1999, and that was 18 years ago. been thru quite a lot linux flavour,...

Daily Bite #12

Another friday, have we all reflect on what we have done over the weekdays? Veteran CTO (with Multiple Successful Exits) Answers Your Top Startup-Building Questions – Many advice for an inspiring tech managers, the list...

High Sierra

Upgraded to latest Apple macOS High Sierra, i think i love it, and i think this is the first time i upgraded the system without waiting x.x.1 (10.12.1 for example). couple thing that i considered...

Acquired Taste

Have you ever have a thing that used to be you dislike and from time to time you were changed and began to like the thing that you dislike? maybe by experiece, by how we...

Life at Jenius

for the past few month, i’ve been working at Jenius, for those who don’t know, Jenius is a bank, a fintech solution for your everyday lifes #shamelessplug. as an engineer, and have been work at...

couldn't do it

something i could not do right now. be cool, not to get angry..


As science fiction fans, i love Interstellar, it’s a really great movie, backed by real science and real scientist (who also a robot’s name), not gonna spoiled it, but really it’s a must watch movie....

I Should Do This

That bad stuff

You almost wish that you could have all that bad stuff back So that you could have the good

What Changed?

sometime i wish i could just $ life whatchanged, and i could see what has been changed in my whole life. ... ... commit 353da0e5649dc910ca7fe1d52bcf10dbf2ae4b36 Author: deden fathurahman <dedenf@example-life.com> Date: Tue Jan 07 08:30:32 2014...

Di kereta

Beberapa waktu ini, dengan pekerjaan baru yang jaraknya lumayan dari tempat tinggal, menuju tempat kerja yang di daerah utara dari arah selatan memang lumayan memakan waktu, dan dilakukanlah semacam eksperimen dengan menggunakan moda dan trayek...

Crack your code

It’s amazing I’m in this maze with you I just can’t crack your code and the days goes on and on, you got no proper tools.

Share your dream

The holstee manifesto


A life less posted, a story about how awesome we could spend our time with our significant other, without a ‘burden’ to share, a ‘burden’ about how we socialize with others. Some might say that...

How you enjoy your coffee?

Do you love coffee? i know i do, got enough plenty variety of coffee in my house, and some processing tools that helps me enjoy my coffee. i know i love it, and of course...

Wish You Were Here

We’re just two lost souls Swimming in a fish bowl ♪ Pink Floyd - Wish you were here

The Most Astounding Fact

The Most Astounding Fact from Max Schlickenmeyer on Vimeo.

Want! Selvedge Sleeves

Denim! WANT! (via uncrate)


i wanna run

New office

it’s been more than one month since i’m joining new office, my responsisbily now is as API developer, currently working at game publisher company, so much different from where i’ve been regarding the business process...

Grown up

read a post from dalton caldwell about Touring yourself i love this quote Going “indie” is clearly not for everyone, but I have the utmost respect for the people that are able and willing to...

How to stop procrastination

did you always stuck in the morning reading news, hundred of rss feed, Flipboarding(?), and last but not least, Twitter or Facebook. they can suck all of your productive time. but there’s a way to...

Git commit and mood

many developers push their code to git repo with funny or sometimes silly comments (i do that sometimes) like this whatthecommit site, but maybe it will be more hips (like hipsters do) if i can...