Fitnah dan buruk sangka

Suatu kisah yang menarik yang bisa banyak dipetik pelajarannya dalam hidup ini, agar tidak terburu-buru dalam melakukan penilaian, tanpa check-recheck (tabayyun), apalagi menyebarkan fitnah tersebut kepada orang lain, tentu selengkapnya bisa dibaca ditautan berikut tentang bulu kemoceng dan fitnah kepada sang kiai.

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Tentang Hijrah

Ini topik yang mungkin sebenarnya agak tabu untuk dibicarakan, karena akan sangat ‘mengganggu’ bagi beberapa orang, karena topik ini berkaitan dengan apa yang mereka percayai, dan ini isinya mungkin kebanyakan adalah suatu pengamatan, komplen, dan ketertarikan atas fenomena ini.

Kalau kita lihat saat ini banyak sekali wanita dan pria yang melakukan transformasi, dari sisi perbuatan dan juga yang mudah terlihat, yaitu pakaian. Perubahan ini menjadi satu milestone yang menunjukkan bahwa orang tersebut telah mendapatkan pencerahan, saya akan coba membahas dari sisi pilihan finansial dan pakaian.

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Choiceology →

Choiceology is the latest podcast that i’ve been listening to, it tells about how human behavior affecting their daily life, their decision, it could be about finance, food choices, how they want to exercise and abandon that plan. it is all human behavior, and since this is Schwab, it has something to do with human financial decision.

My favorite episode is A Clean Slate from Season 2 Episode 5. Small change and determination could have a big impact for Ray Zahab.

Google product: confusing as hell

I love podcast, listen to it almost everyday, from tech new, software development, to financial. i used to listening podcast using castbox, but it had its limit, it had subscription if you want to add podcast more than 100(?), i’m switching to Google podcast now, it has decent feature, so basic, no categorizing, no playlist, been try this app for quite sometimes now.

And i opened Google Music, especially the web app. the app has different UI with Google Podcast, but it also offering the same menu as Google Podcast, a podcast. why would they offer the same thing to different app? and Google are famous to killing their app or feature when many people are using it.

Maybe i’m just too attached with Google Podcast.

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By Defying Apple’s Rules, Facebook Shows It Never Learns →

In public and even under oath, executives like Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg have spent at least a year—if not their entire careers—promising to do better by their users. But in private, evidence abounds that the company continues to flout every rule and attempt at oversight placed before it. They’ve promised to protect user privacy by cutting off developer access to data while continuing to give it away to corporate giants and major advertisers.

This is utter crap, and Google did it too.