Daily Bite #6
Site Reliability Engineering – The Book – Freely available, you can read it online or buy hard copy. this is absolute gems for my team.
You fired your top talent. I hope you’re happy. – it is basically a shout out to previous article (read here first), all argument on both article could be right, i have seen both of the case, from the developer itself and from the company who were don’t give a damn to the developers.
Thor: Ragnarok’s Taika Waititi Is Here to Save the Blockbuster – it’s a fun movie btw, but not much i can remember, it’s just many laughter, funny character, after watch it, it’s just… gone.
The Flash
As one of the flash’ fans, not a hardcore fans, but enjoying the mythology. and been a loyal audience for the flash series. but still sometime it irritated me to see how Flash potrayed, on the series (the old one and new), the most irritating one is well his speed (i’m talking about Barry Allen’s flash, yeah there’s a lot of Flashs), Flash should be faster than anyone, even Reverse Flash could travel time/universe while having conversation with himself to decieved anyone that they were different person.
#DC Comics,
#Justice League
Daily Bite #5
This Year’s Best Press Photos Are Absolutely Electrifying – i love these photos, especially Whale Whisperer (above).
Ten Things I Wish I’d Known Before Using Vagrant – i use Vagrant almost all the time, for openshift development and whole bunch of things.
My Morning Practice – i don’t have one, beside waking up (sometimes late), i should start one tomorrow.
Daily Bite #4
The Economics of the Office: Why Do We Still Commute? – Some people said that commuting is a waste of time. money, and productivity. but some people love it, as a routine, it’s a constant thing that they love.
MySQL vs. MariaDB: Reality Check – Comparison head to head between the two (and Percona’s own mysql release).
How Do You Focus? – how can we focus, with all the disturbance, things that was goig on, things that you have to do sometime at the same time. but priority is important, but hei, i’m watching Stranger Things season 2 while writing this.
Airbnb built an AI that turns design sketches into product source code – aah ho00mans
Daily Bite #3
Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
Front-end development becoming really complicated these day, from just simplelink
and just hard link to a file, we still do that, but the effort is quite expensive, this is a great compilation about how Front-end got implemented, and couple things that have to be know by Front-End. -
15 Top Prototyping Tools Go Head-to-Head
Head to head comparison of prototyping tools, at jenius we use Adobe XD, Zeplin and Sketch. all of them powered our design team. -
Four Essential Elements of Agile
We know that this Agile is a thing now, many company declared that they were agile, for me agile is about adapting, how can we adapt into technology, culture and so on.
Read more →Daily Bite is a series to documenting of what i followed and read during the day.