tag — security

How to Stop Advertisers From Tracking Your Teen Across the Internet

Untuk yang sering berinteraksi di internet, bisa itu dengan aplikasi sosial media, atau mungkin browsing dengan browser, tidak akan lepas dengan tracker yang dipasang oleh website-website tersebut, tracker di internet sangat banyak jenisnya, dari mulai...

The thing with Notion

Notion huge fans!, while i was looking for a setting to disable spellchecker in Notion, since i’m writing an article using Indonesian, obviously spellchecker will throw a trantrum. And looking at my device setting, oh...

Cara mengecek tautan agar aman di internet

Karena barusan mendapatkan tautan/link dari Paypal, tapi agak curiga dengan tanpilan dan tentu saja sender dari email tersebut bukan dari PayPal, tapi penasaran juga dengan emailnya, dan tautan tersebut mengarah kemana? dengan sedikit keingin tahuan,...

End of Life for Twilio Authy Desktop Apps

Welp! just like that… The Authy Desktop apps for Windows and MacOS that are available or were previously downloaded from authy.com/download as well as those for Linux will reach their End-of-Life on March 19, 2024...

New study reveals iPhones aren't as private as you think

“Both iOS and Google Android share data with Apple/Google on average every 4.5 [minutes],” a research paper published last week by Trinity College in Dublin says. “The ‘essential’ data collection is extensive, and likely at...

Firefox Lockwise, apakah masih membutuhkan 1Password?

Sebagai pengguna Mozilla Firefox yang sudah lumayan lama, salah satu alasan tetap menggunakan Firefox, dari versi 1.0, karena saya melihatnya sebagai perusahaan yang masih memikirkan privasi, masih memikirkan penggunanya didepan. Membaca catatan rilis dari Mozilla...

Menjaga privasi dan keamanan dalam berinternet

Mungkin isu ini sangat sensitif sekarang ini, terlebih dengan kasus Cambridge Analytica dan beberapa jebolnya masalah privasi dan keamanan di internet. Pasti pernah mengalami ketika sedang chat atau ngobrol dengan teman, pasangan, bahas tentang sesuatu,...

Airasia password rule is ridiculous

This is probably quite disturbing security practice by one of the high traffic airlines, and it has a huge members on its website, but this user password policy is ridiculous to follow, it even failed...

Must have addons for your browser

This is my list of must have extension or addons for my browsers, i’m using quite a lot of browser, mostly for testing, my main browser still Firefox Quantum and Google Chrome, but it can...

Go-Jek Privacy Policy

Go-Jek is one of the hot startup in Indonesia, operating in major cities in Indonesia, they have massive users, lots of people use their service, from transportation, delivery, cleaning, even massage service. someone at Telegram...