Google Chrome experiment crashes browser tabs, impacts companies worldwide →
This is a deja vu all over again, with Google Chrome has became the dominant web browser that people use, Google Chrome has been use by more than 60% of the internet population, Firefox behind it, but with huge differences of course (about > 7% marketshare) (source: wikipedia, Netmarketshare ).
In the news, covering many people from many organization who got issue with the Google Chrome installation, even cost them money.
“Do you see the impact you created for thousands of us without any warning or explanation? We are not your test subjects,” said an angry sysadmin. “We are running professional services for multi million dollar programs. Do you understand how many hours of resources were wasted by your ‘experiment’?”
“How many tens of thousands of dollars has this oops cost everyone? This is starting to look like a pretty massive mistake on Googles part,” added another disgruntled sysadmin.
Banking are one of the tightly-controlled environment, i know one bank using Google Chrome as their main browser (probably other bank using it also, but this one i know deeply), even on the Microsoft Windows machine, it was centralise controlled software, admin controll all of the version, installation, everything, on each machine.
The deja vu part, goes way back with IE 6.0, it’s the most used browser in 2000s.
Google Chrome has became integral part of the business now, and if it has misstep, it will impacting a lot of its users, even it’s a free software (but i believe it’s not free entirely, you have to pay in someway or another).
Time to consider and use another browser? FireFox or Brave, maybe.
I have switch for some time, and you should too.
#daily found,
Why Standups are Useless and How to Run Great Product Team Meetings →
In any case prior to a launch, standups are mostly a waste of time. That’s because the bulk of the product development process centers around (1) building (2) making decisions.
This lines, is a hard truth.
I’ve fell to this also, we are gathering at the end of the day, and thinking that we are updating each other, but since the team grew, the “update” session became long, and it took people’s time, and it’s not okay.
The communication could be done by other type of communication, asynchronously. this way, people could finish their job.
#daily found,
Dulu rokok, sekarang vape (vaping)
Dari berita dari Sindonews ini, yang melaporkan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh dokter mengenai rokok dan vape, penelitian yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan metode dipanaskan, tidak seperti apa yang terjadi pada rokok (dibakar),
Hasil penelitian terhadap semua cairan vape setelah dipanaskan menggunakan alat tertentu, nyaris semua cairan tidak mengalami perubahan zat. Peneliti hanya menemukan penambahan antara satu hingga dua zat. Juga ditemukan liquid yang tidak mengalami penambahan zat sama sekali.
Dari hasil riset ini, berkesimpulan bahwa (empasis dari saya)
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian itu, produk tembakau alternatif seperti rokok elektrik serta produk tembakau yang dipanaskan, bukan dibakar, memiliki risiko kesehatan lebih rendah dibandingkan rokok konvensional. Bahwa pengguna produk tembakau alternatif seperti rokok elektrik memiliki risiko kesehatan dua kali lebih rendah dibandingkan perokok konvensional.
Memang bukan ahli kesehatan, apalagi seorang dokter, hanya saja, masih bingung dengan hasil penelitian ini, hal ini karena membaca hasil penelitian dari peneliti di Amerika serikat tentang bahaya dari vape (atau nge-vaping).
Silakan baca hasil laporan dari FDA ini, dan juga artikel dari New York Times,
A 17-year-old boy whose lungs were irreversibly damaged by vaping received a double-lung transplant at the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, a lifesaving measure taken when a patient’s own lungs are diseased or damaged beyond repair and there is no other hope of survival, doctors said on Tuesday.
Bisa diartiken juga, vaping tidak lebih sehat dari pada rokok biasa, karena saya rasa mengganti paru-paru bukan hal yang bisa dibilang risiko rendah.
Apple’s Promise Of A Powerful MacBook Pro Has Been Frustrated →
I’ve been Apple user for sometime, i got introduced to Apple product when i’m using Powerbook from my boss back then, it’s a great machine, i love the alumunium, love the keyboard, i’m using Cheetah that time (10.0.0).
One of the issue i’ve had right now with my Macbook Pro
Hardware choices in recent years may have helped make the MacBook Pro more fashionable, but it has become harder to use. The butterfly keyboard crystallises this approach with a preference for a light and thin design over-ruling a solid and dependable keyboard
Indeed, the keyboard sucks, too many problem, from adding letter ‘e’, and now with this machine it added more spaces when i’m typing, the keyboard are subpar, i prefer the old one, i don’t mind if the machine thicker than current line up, as long as it worked.
So wanna try other laptop like XPC from Dell, or Spectre from HP, stuff it with Linux.
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#daily found,
Clickbait, cara yang masih ampuh menarik pembaca
Coba kita lihat judul-judul berita berikut,
- Saham Perbankan berguguran atau
- Pak Jokowi, Besok Data CAD Diumumkan! Jeblok Lagi Gak Ya? atau
- Toko-Toko Elektronik Sepi Bak ‘Kuburan’, Ekonomi Lesu Nih!
Apakah ada kesamaan dalam berita tersebut? iya, judulnya bombastis, dan kemudian menggiring opini untuk orang-orang hanya bisa membaca dari judul saja, dan media tahu itu, ada maksudnya kenapa judul itu dibuat besar dan tebal, menandakan itu sesuatu yang penting, maka judul adalah hal yang dibaca terlebih dahulu, soal isi? meski berbeda atau jauh, hampir tidak akan dibaca oleh orang-orang.
Buat judul seheboh mungkin, makin heboh, makin menarik orang untuk klik dan share.
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#social media,