How Facebook’s Rise Fueled Chaos and Confusion in Myanmar →
The riots wouldn’t have happened without Facebook.
Indeed, too many hoaxes, too many misinformation, too many lazy people that they are so lazy to read, so lazy to find the origin source, or a simple googling. This also happened to my own family, just instant share, did not mind whether the news are true or false, because it’s someone they know who were share the news, they will think that the news/article/propaganda are true.
‘Queen of Dragons’: The inside story of Malaysia’s election fixer
The stories in it, he said, could “coax, influence and instigate” people to convert, and thus amounted to proselytising—a crime in Malaysia, where two systems of law, civil and shariah, run in parallel.
Well, we have this kind of issue and actually ‘they’ succeed to thrown Ahok, using defamiation and Islam blasphemy issue to drag him to jail. even tho he did not use or blasphemed any of it. but it’s the only tool to dethrown him, and we have a less-excellent governor.
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#false news,
#daily found
Millions of Americans Make a Costly Mistake When Paying Credit Card Bills →
Not just in America, in Indonesia also have this misconception, an a lot people only paid at minimum of its bill. I don’t use any credit cards, kinda reluctant to apply for it, now i have met and use and even working at Jenius, not because i worked here, but it suited my need for my financial need, pay online payments, servers bills etc.
#daily found
Untuk apa semua kebencian itu?
Dengan makin mendekatnya pemilihan presiden, makin banyak pula komentar-komentar sampah yang bertebaran baik di-sosial media maupun di lingkungan tempat tinggal. memang secara natural dalam negara demokrasi, ada pemerintah berkuasa, ada juga oposisi yang dalam teori menjadi penyeimbang dalam pemerintah menjalankan pemerintahan dan juga sebagai pengawas pemerintah yang berkuasa.
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Having Your Smartphone Nearby Takes a Toll on Your Thinking →
This kind of anxiety happened to all of us, whether it’s someone calling, message us, or email from work that got us always looking at the smartphone, we sometimes cannot enjoy or live the life that we have.
And the threat is real to the way of our thinking, our focus span become narrow, cannot concentrate on what in front of us.
#daily found
Mudah membayar pajak kendaraan (perpanjang STNK)
Pernah melakukan pembayaran untuk perpajangan STNK? kalau pernah, atau yang melakukan generalisasi terhadap aparat pemerintah yang lamban atau terkesan tidak peduli dengan layanan masyarakat.
Hari ini saya sengaja izin masuk siang untuk mengurus STNK saya yang hampir habis masa berlakunya, berangkat ke kantor SAMSAT (Satuan Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap) agak pagian, dengan harapan tidak ramai, sudah menyiapkan powerbank buat jaga-jaga kalo akan membutuhkan waktu seharian.
Sampai di kantor SAMSAT, dihampiri oleh petugas SAMSAT dan dikenalkan dengan aplikasi Sambara di ponsel pintar pegawai SAMSAT. Di situ didemokan bagaimana menggunakan aplikasi tersebut dan dijanjikan proses akan cepat. Saya mencoba menyimak dan ingin tahu sampai mana kebenaran soal ‘proses cepat’ ini. Ya, saya termasuk yang skeptis tersebut.
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