Installing Laravel 4, oneliner

downloading package or setup composer.json could become a hassle. instead, just go with this one line of command on terminal. make sure you already installed composer and put it in the system wide bin (eg. /usr/local/bin/).

$ composer create-project laravel/laravel

this command also work if you want to setup a new package on composer packagist repo. for example installing Slimframework composer create-project slim/slim

New office

it’s been more than one month since i’m joining new office, my responsisbily now is as API developer, currently working at game publisher company, so much different from where i’ve been regarding the business process etc.

it’s always hard to leave my previous job, at least for me, more than three years working with wonderful team, so many jokes that we invented there, so many memories. we also have a soon to be launch product, a movie streaming service.

this time i’m building an API interface system and also build a social network for indonesian gamers, pretty much like Gree+Line, just starting my adventure here, we’ll see how it goes.

so, did you game today?

PS: previous photo is my new office.

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Tag: #life

This is blasphemy, this is ...


Tag: #fun

Markdown with custom css class test

So, this should be a big text

Tag: #geeking

Mixtape Trip-ish


liked the mixtape, full of Triphop artist, like Portishead, Lamb, and many others.


Tag: #mixtape