tag — social media

Daily Found: My disabled son’s amazing gaming life in the World of Warcraft

This is an amazing article, his son got a rare disorder that causes muscle degeneration, called Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and has to be on a wheelchair, but since his son loved computer game, the...

Daily Found: Exploring the effects of social media on art and culture, one selfie at a time

Artikel yang terhitung lama, tapi masih sangat relevan dengan bagaimana media sosial, terutama Instagram mempengaruhi design arsitektur, bangunan seperti hotel, restoran, cafe dan bahkan taman didesain menjadi “Instagrammable”. Bahkan satu kampung didesain menjadi menarik di...

Clickbait, cara yang masih ampuh menarik pembaca

Coba kita lihat judul-judul berita berikut, Saham Perbankan berguguran atau Pak Jokowi, Besok Data CAD Diumumkan! Jeblok Lagi Gak Ya? atau Toko-Toko Elektronik Sepi Bak ‘Kuburan’, Ekonomi Lesu Nih! Apakah ada kesamaan dalam berita tersebut?...

The Great Hack: Polarisasi politik (dan agama) di Indonesia

i feel like the main problem in US politics that, is that people are so polarized, that they can’t understand each other, and therefore they cant work together, and therefore nothing gets done. Britanny kaiser,...

How Imgur avoids the ugliness of social media

when you post on Instagram you’re actually curating your own personal brand. You are sharing the highlight moments of your life and in order to make your life look quite good. But then on the...

Teens Are Debating the News on Instagram

Dengan munggunakan sedikit keahlian di aplikasi photoshop misalkan, atau hasil ngambil gambar, meme yang bertebaran, membuat informasi tidak benar sangat gampang, diawali dengan kemalasan membaca, memcari kebenaran berita, verifikasi. dan akhirnya informasi makin liar menjadikan...