About Github Profile

About Github Profile
Photo by Mark König

Came across this blog post, titled “Why GitHub Won’t Help You With Hiring

Instead, this post is about why GitHub profiles just aren’t all that useful when looking to hire developers.

Interesting article, different takes of how github profile won’t help boost our profile in the development world, and the points are valid, for some people.

While i do agree most of the stuff, and i have my view also about this, it’s a little different with my experience, since i have been an engineering manager for quite sometimes, I do checked people, or candidates, when I’m hiring, on GitHub, to see a glimps of her/his involvements if any, it’s like stalking the candidates, and if they contributed to opensource, that’s a plus, especially if the OSS is a huge project.

And for my personal opinion, aside for account name reserved, having my handle @dedenf on Github, is that I have piece of code contributed, and i feel safe to store my code, documents, on my GitHub account.

While i do have another account in BitBucket, GitLab and other place, GitHub is my first choice to store and contribute.

Daily Found: Hubble mosaic of the majestic Sombrero Galaxy

Daily Found: Hubble mosaic of the majestic Sombrero Galaxy

It’s just awesome picture

[via spacetelescope]

Artikel vs Dokumentasi

Artikel vs Dokumentasi

Baru saja “nyasar” ke halaman artikel blog post dari StackOverFlow, mengenai bagaimana mereka membangun satu fitur di STO teams, Articles, selain artikel yang bagus, juga, saya lebih banyak melihat ke tagline dari fitur Articles tersebut.

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Work from home, a blessing or distractions?

Work from home, a blessing or distractions?

With pandemic still lingering Indonesia, many office are still doing Work From Home (WFH) policy, and few other are already working at the office, i’m gonna talk about the one who are still WFH, and for those who already WFO, godspeed, stay safe!

I am grateful that i’m still working, have source of income, and doing the work while i’m at home, i can be closer to my family.

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Photo by Stefan Cosma

Kemajuan teknologi dengan sangat pesat membuat banyak hal yang tadinya tidak efisien menjadi lebih efisien, mungkin ada yang masih ingat bagaimana dulu memesan taksi? kita bisa telpon ke kantor perusahaan taksi kemudian perusahaan taksi akan mencari orang yang terdekat dengan area dimana pemesan itu berada.

Dulu mendengarkan kaset, yang berisi 10-15 lagu yang dirilis oleh penyanyi/band, kemudian muncul compact disc (CD) yang bisa menampung ratusan lagi, belum lagi yang disimpan di harddisk, DVD, flashdisk, dan pengadopsian smartphone oleh banyak orang (bahkan ibu saya yang sudah sepuh), untuk mendengarkan lagu zaman sekarang makin maju dengan teknologi streaming, kita bisa mendengarkan lagi hampir tidak terbatas, yang dulu kita cari susah sekali lagunya, sekarang dalam jangkauan jari.

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