Yowis Ben

Yowis ben premiere

Supados saragam, sim kuring ngangge basa daerah oge nulisna.

Sapanjang emutan, di indonesia teu acan aya film layar lebar anu diproduksi ku PH ageung, nganggo basa daerah anu kentel, baheula aya film kabayan (saréng lajenganna), Glen Kemon. dua film eta ngangge budaya sunda, ngan teu ngangge basa sunda sadayana, ieu siga basa indonesia anu diselipkeun basa sunda (kabayan, glen kemon diproduksi ku PH nu sami sareng film anu bade sim kuring carioskeun).

Kaping 20 februari kamari, pribados dongkap ka acara pamutaran perdana film Yowis Ben, film ieu nganggo basa jawa kinten-kinten 80-90%, pamaenna hampir sadayana nganggo basa jawa dina nyariosna.

Film ieu nyaritakeun perkawis barudak sma, kinten-kinten yuswa 16 - 17, dina yuswa sakitu, biasana barudak teh hoyong ngabuktikeun yen manehna teh tiasa kenging kabogoh anu janten idola di sakolana, ai sejen hoyong ngabuktikeun bakat musikna, lianna, ngabuktikeun ka ibu ramana yen manehna teh tiasa gaduh prestasi.

Mereun siga nu biasa wae caritana, tapi keheula, ieu didamelna apik, sae, lucu, banyolanna kenging, sanajan pribados teu tiasa nyarios jawa, mung ngartos sakedik (basa sunda sareng jawa aya nu sami kata-katana), mun aya nu teu ngartos aya tarjamahanna (salut kanggo usahana). Film ieu oge ngenalkeun kota Malang, sareng Batu anu bersih, rapih, sareng seeur tempat wisata anu tiasa didatangan, ti mulai wisata daerah Batu dugi ka kampung tridi sareng kampung warna-warni.

Mun ditaros bentangna, 1 dugi 5, sim kuring masihan 5, sanes kusabab ieu didamel ku saderek, tapi da emang sae, rame, lucu. Bayu, Joshua, Tutus, Brandon sukses ngadamel film ieu hirup, ditambih ku lakon sejenna anu nambah carita ieu leuwih hirup.

Yowis Ben diputer di bioskop kaping 22 Februari.

Cape oge nulisna!

Tags: #sunda, #movie

That domain names

This one is more like a retrospective blog post, i have a quite number of domains, from idea to just for fun, and just few of them i kept as it going, and probably will need some idea refinement to make things as i want it to be.

As of today i have and maintaining these

  1. notes.dedenf.com – this blog, trying to update things on daily basis, still trying tho, can’t keep up with the work stuff.
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Daily Bite #35

Daily Bite #34


Daily Bite #33

  • Inside Amazon’s Sphere
    Great architectural achievement, it’s a great design, cant help it but to notice that the sphere is like sanctum sanctorum’s Dr Stephen Strange.

  • Microsoft Disables Spectre Mitigations Due to Instability The patch up is not smooth, and introducing instability to the servers.

  • Garbage collectors open library with abandoned books
    This is amazing, salvaging abandoned books from the trash and build a library out of it, and it’s not that GC.

  • WhatsApp: Mark Zuckerberg’s other headache
    I think we (almost) all have family group chat, or friends/alumni group chat, and we have one (or more) member that spreading hoax, misinformation and sometimes these messages wildly spread from one group to another, the key is because it is often times the people who forward it are people we know, and because believing to that person, and their messages, pictures and video.
    And it also happened in my family group chat, sometimes i became a hoax buster or reminding my family that this is not correct, or this one is out of control and needs to be set straight. it’s hard when it comes about religion and its rules.
    This could have much longer post or rants.