Inflasi gaya hidup →

Hal yang hampir tidak bisa kita hindarkan, dengan naiknya pendapatan, bisa naik juga gaya hidup kita, hal itu yang disebut inflasi gaya hidup, lebih banyak memikirkan yang sekarang dibanding dengan finansial di masa depan.

Tulisan terbaru yang setelah lebih dari sebulan tidak menulis blog.

Milky Way Timelapses



How I jumped from software testing to data science →

“Wow,” I thought to myself, “the goal of testing is to protect the customer from evil bugs created by evil developers, and the ultimate manifestation of that goal is to slip the ship date!” That misguided belief stuck with me and drove many of my behaviors around software testing for nearly a decade.

There are many misguded belief around software testing, they should help developers also and present some solution for every bug or future-bug that they think will hinder either devs or end users.

To have so many scenarios around testing, it will involving devs, and i kinda agree when QA and software tester engineer sits or doing test together with devs, PO within the same squad (no, this is not only applied to agile/scrum), it will creates dynamics within the team.

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The Man Who Built The Retweet: “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds” →

We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds

The retweet button are powerful, powerful enough to destroy ones credibility, it can started with false news, with link of course, and people without context or without reading the link, will be trigger happy and it will clicked retweet button without thinking.

The retweet and share, in other words, incentivize extreme, polarizing, and outrage-inducing content.

Very true, the last Indonesia presidential election are proof, the one who got the loudest voice are the true one, no matter how false the news is, no matter how much misinformation or just simply hoaxes, it doesn’t matter, as long that tweet (or other re-share mechanism) supporting our view, judgement or their bias.

Combined that with logical fallacy, perfect weapon.

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Membeli reksadana di BIBIT.ID dengan GoPay

Oke, sudah install BIBIT dan juga sudah menjadi user di BIBIT? (btw kode referal tigvgn4 :) ), mungkin yang sebelum-sebelumnya ketika melakukan pembelian reksadana di BIBIT, pembayarannya melalui transfer manual ke BCA atau bank yang dipilih oleh manajer investasi.

Terkadang hal ini bisa jadi ‘rugi’ karena akan ada fee transfer antar bank, jika bank yang kita gunakan berbeda dengan bank tujuan, bisa aja menggunakan bank digital (Jenius, Digibank, D-Bank, ONE), tapi itu topik lain yang mungkin nanti dibahas di seputarfinansial, karena biasanya bank digital itu biaya transfer gratis (untuk beberapa transfer atau semua). Jadi, selalu perhatikan fees, 6500 (katanya nanti akan berkurang) itu lumayan, karena itu fixed cost yang harus dibayar didepan, dan return dari investasi kita tidak serta merta ”mengganti” fee tersebut.

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