Podcast: Suara Puan →
Adalah podcast yang terakhir ini saya ketemukan, menurut pewicaranya, kata puan (menurut salah satu episodenya bernama Stephani(?)), diawali dari bentuk tulisan yang dibuat di Instagram yang kemudian berkembang merambah media baru, yaitu suara, podcast.
Diberdayakan oleh Kata Puan (Instagram: @kata.puan) untuk menyuarakan isi pikiran yang berisik dan tak mau diam. Suara ini. Sebuah emosi. Banyaknya rasa.
Sejauh ini saya menikmati, bahasa yang mudah, dan untuk yang menyukai ASMR bisa jauh menikmati podcast ini.
#daily found
Jakarta circa tahun 1965-1970 →
Koleksi gambar yang menurut saya luar biasa, menghadirkan Jakarta tahun 65-70an, yang pasti jauh dari kata macet, banyak sekali ruang terbuka. Meski tahun-tahun sebelumnya adalah tahun yang kelam bagi rakyat Indonesia, lihat selengkapnya di sini.
#daily found
Redireksi banyak URI dengan menggunakan NGINX →
Akhirnya menulis hal teknikal lagi, di sini saya membahas tentang redireksi banyak URI dengan menggunakan NGINX, hal ini sangat berguna bagi anda yang bergelut di SEO biasanya, tapi URI restructuring terkadang memang diperlukan.
#daily found
Former Mozilla exec: Google has sabotaged Firefox for years →
… it’s very hard not to believe or take Nightingale’s comments seriously. Slowly but surely, Google is becoming the new Microsoft, and Chrome is slowly turning into the new IE…
Not just confusing, and i agree that they have grew larger and became the new Microsoft, Google products designed only to be use optimally using Google Chrome.
And yes this is bad, not to mention Microsoft also adopting Chromium for their Microsoft Edge browser, and now Firefox is the browser that use rendering engine other than Chromium.
I’ve been using Firefox for quite some years now, and happy with it, and because Google being evil and some of their site are better with Chrome, i go with Brave browser, it’s a Chromium based browser, but with less tracker than Chrome implmented (hopefully!).
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#daily found
Can you stop your parents sharing photos of you online? →
Prof Siibak says many parents feel that, as the adult, they are responsible for their child’s wellbeing, and don’t need their child’s permission as long as they believe the photos are not doing any harm.
However, she argues that parents should “absolutely” take their children’s privacy concerns more seriously.
Parents often set strict internet usage rules for their children to protect their privacy, but the “rules only seem applicable to children, and not adults in the family”.
I don’t share my kids photo online, and i hope other people also did not share my kids online, they have their own rights and in my opinion, > we don’t have right to post their picture to the internet.
If the ethical way did not stopping you to share your kids online, how about this one, IBM scrapped, scanning photos from Flickr to train their facial recognition software and god knows for what purpose that training could be. Not to mention this kinda challenge, the #10yearschallenge is a great way and a tresure for facial recignition, it can learn about age discrepancies from those people, and we gave them the access freely to our data.
Some people think it’s their rights to post their kids online, but they too have that rights to either posted it or not.
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#daily found